玻璃丝棉卷毡 玻璃丝棉卷毡厂家批发价格
公司考虑到用户对隔声吸音及降噪的需要,为客户准备了玻璃丝棉 玻璃丝棉毡 玻璃丝棉卷毡 离心玻璃丝棉毡 玻璃丝棉毡厂家 玻璃丝棉毡 价格玻璃棉卷毡及其复合材料等几方面产品,广泛应用于房屋的隔断,不仅具有降噪隔声效果,而且施工方便、重量轻、厚度小、相应增大房屋的使用面积。
In consideration of the customers’ need for insulation and absorption of sound and reduction of noise, Company provides the customers with several kinds of products including glass wool felt in rolls and compound materials which are widely used for partition walls. These products not only reduce noise and absorb sound but also are easy to work at in execution of works. They are light and thin, sparing more space to the rooms as useful floorage.